
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Friday, April 9, 2010

09 April "Zero Day" Fayetteville, PA

Sandpiper here. This morning we woke up in a real bed! I can't believe how sore every muscle felt. There's no way I felt this way every morning for the past seven days and didn't notice, but I believe this must be true. As soon as I stepped out of the room to walk to our now favorite restaurant, The Flamingo, for breakfast, the musle-memory kicked in and it felt great to be moving again. Amazing!

The first chore of the day was to go through our packs and organize piles: clothes to wash (pew!); cold weather clothes not needed to be shipped back to Shana; and extra items not needed now, but will be needed in the future to be shipped in a "bounce box." The idea is that the "bounce box" will travel ahead of us from post office to post office and we will take items from it as needed. Kinda like having our own resupply store.

Next, we walked 1/2 mile or so to the laudromat. We opted to take advantage of paying by the pound and have the laundress to the laundry for us. Although we warned her the garbage bag we were handing her contained "hiking" clothes, she was not phased and said we were the 2nd set of hikers to come in so far this season.

Onward we walked to the Post Office. In case you're wondering, I"m wearing my long underwear, rainpants, down jacket, and a pair of sock liners since everything else is being washed - fortunately the weather is chilly and windy, otherwise I'd look really outta place. I guess folks here are used to hiker's "town attire." All went smoothly at the PO - the clerk was extremely helpful. To avoid purchasing a box, she emptied a box containing LOWE's flyers for us and calculated variable price options for shipping. Our food shipment was there waiting, so now we have a new 7 day food supply. Before departing, I asked customers getting their mail about an internet cafe, but got a blank stare. Then asked about a library - ah, a reaction! Was told it's not far (16th of a mile?) a little more than a stone's throw. So, walking again.

HA! Stone's throw? After a good 3/4 of a mile - nothing. I saw a store with an OPEN sign so went in to inquire. I can't quite describe the store's contents, but the owner was very pleasant and offered to drive us to the brand new library as it's quite a bit further down the road. Fayetteville has wonderfully helpful folks.

The library IS brand new and well equipped with computers. Hal spent a lot of time editing the blog (be sure to check out the maps). I made phone calls to family and, at Hal's suggestion, the remainder of my time here has been the obvious. We now have a long way back to the laundromat and hotel - so much for a "zero day."

The hike has been great so far and yes, I will enjoy getting up tomorrow morning and know I'm hitting the trail again. I think.


  1. Love following along on your adventure.

  2. The map is great with your update today. Can follow along closely with the topography that you are dealing with each day. From the pictures it looks like Spring is starting to break through. Bobby & Becky

  3. Speaking of big hikes and campouts, I see you are just west of Gettysburg. Many a Confederate passed through your area on the way to the battle. - Bobby

  4. So glad you updated maps, great to know where you are. While the names of the shelters are interesting, their locations mean nothing to me. Kite, you need to have Sandpipper take & post a picture of you. So far there is only proof that she is on the trail.
    Hope you didn't send all cold weather gear home, cold front moving in today. We even have a frost warning - know it will be colder for you. Stay warm in your cozy bed tonight. Be safe!
    I give up, can figure our how to post the comment with my name ... Lynn

  5. Thanks for the comments. I will try to update the map when I am in a town/hostel/motel where I have a computer with access to the internet. On the trail, the best I can do is update the last location map and then only if I have a data connection.
