
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Saturday, April 17, 2010

16-17 April Duncannon (Doyle Hotel)

Warm night last night in Darlington Shelter, probably middle 50s.  Partly sunny and cool at first today but warmed to about at least mid 70s.  Supposed to rain or storm but it only rained slightly as we were coming down the mountain to Duncannon.  Thunderstorms did come in the evening and night but by then we were safely in the Doyle hotel.

The hike was about 11.5 miles starting with a decent off the ridge, crossing the valley, climbing a small ridge in the middle of the valley and the climb up the other side of the valley.  From there, we walked the length of the ridge to where the Susquehanna crosses it.  From there, we had an incredibly steep decent down to Duncannon.  Along the ridge, there were rocks, rocks, rocks.  It is very difficult walking because you have watch every step.  Slippery leaves on the rocks, rolling rocks, hidden rocks, all lead to trips and twisted ankles.  From what I have heard, this is just the beginning - the rest of PA is full of rocks. 

We also saw a black snake about 5-6 feet long.  It behaved very strangely.  Usually a snake will leave if you give it enough room.  This one was leaving but as I went by, it turned and coiled into a strike position.  It would not leave and Wendy had to walk around in the woods.  It also made a vibrating sound, as a rattler does but it did not have rattles (see picture Wendy sent). 

We are at the Doyle Hotel.  It is a 105 year old hotel that was originally one of the Andheiser Busch hotels when it was build.  It is an AT hiker institution and caters and supports AT hikers.  It is fairly cheap.  It is however very old.  I think some of the dust here is they hotel itself decaying.  Everything is in disrepair.  Last night a drunk came in and tried to get in out room.  He went away and found an empty room.  Oh well, not sure how long this can continue.  It has a lot of history but you cannot support the maintenance  needed on what hikers are willing to pay. 

We took a zero day and it was needed.  Coming down the mountain, I got new blisters.  Wendy also has blisters now.  Plus,. the sore from my pack on my hip is not healed.  So we are resting today and plan to start hiking again tomorrow.

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