
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Saturday, June 26, 2010

26 June - Hanover, New Hampshire

Cloudy and cool, high in low 70s.

Hiked in from Podunk Rd. under threat of rain.  Started raining as we came into Norwich, VT, which is just across the Connecticut river from Hanover.  Not too wet. 

Trail goes right through Hanover and Dartmouth College campus.  We plan to take a zero day tomorrow and see the place.

Picture is of Happy Hill Shelter, the oldest shelter on the AT.  It is older than the AT actually.   The original was built in 1918.  This is a replacement.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are all set for The Whites. Nina and I got off in Rutland. Train Wreck was ready to get back to Iowa and live like a (mostly) normal 13-year-old. It was great to share our time in Vermont with you both. Keep on going (if you want to)and may the road rise up to meet you. Keep in touch!
    Joe VanDerZanden (from Iowa) joevdz@gmail.com
