
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

13 July - Carter Notch Hut

Cooler and cloudy most of the day.  Rain and thunderstorms around but none on us until after we arrived at the hut. 

Only six miles today but again they were steep, tough, White Mountain miles.  Plus, there was the weather forecast which made us more cautious.   We considered going a little farther and camping but we new we would be tired when we got here so we made reservations.  Several groups passed us today with plans for bigger miles.   Most are here tonight.  We are having a thunderstorm right now and more tonight and tomorrow. 

This hut also claims to be the oldest so I am not sure which actually is.  The hut is high in the notch with two lakes close by.  Very pretty but it is raining so no pictures.

We climbed 2400 feet first thing this morning then up and down across Wildcat Ridge which had five peaks (E D C B A).  Then down 1100 feet to the lakes.  Near Wildcat Ridge Peak D, there is a ski lift.  The slopes act as an alpine meadow for wildflowers.  

We were in the Alpine today and mainly below tree line.  I confirmed that the trees at higher elevation are mainly Balsam Fir and some Red Spruce .

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