
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wed 20 Oct - Groseclose, VA

Cold rain last night and much of the morning.  Lows in the 30s last night and only into the 40s this morning at altitude. 

Hiked from VA 603 Fox Creek to VA 600 at Elk Garden - 17 miles.  We went over Grayson Highlands State Park and Mount Rogers NRA.  Mount Rogers is the highest peak in Virginia at 5729 feet.  It is a "forested, viewless summit" so we did not take the side trail.  However the Grayson Highlands, Wilburn Ridge and Pine Mountain  offered plenty of views.

Wendy is sick with a cold.  The morning weather did not help.   When we arrived at The Scales (an area where they used to weigh cattle before sale), it was still raining.  We had a morning break in the toilets to be out of the rain.

When we came out there was the first hint of clearing skies.   Then came the highlight of the day.  We saw the first "wild ponies".  Grayson Highlands has wild ponies similar to those found on Assateaque Island and the Outer Banks.  At first we saw two at The Scales but we saw many more during the day including two groups of over a dozen.  They are fairly tame but still easily spooked.

Hopefully we will hike tomorrow depending on how Wendy feels.


  1. I love Grayson Highlands and the ponies! You guys are cruising! Get better, Wendy, I think I have the same cold.........

  2. Incredible pictures and a great shot of Wendy and the pony!! Feel better...
