
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Saturday, July 3, 2010

02 July - Hikers Welcome Hostel, Glencliff, NH

Cool night in the shelter but it actually got slightly warmer by morning.   Cool breezy day in the 50s with clear skies.

Had a fairly short hike of about eight miles into Hikers Welcome Hostel in Glencliff.  It is owned by a former hiker and run by Phatt Chapp.  We are inside a bunk house and have access to an outdoor shower, toilet, and laundry.  Prices are reasonable and Phatt Chapp drove us all to dinner.

POW (Piece of Work) and TLC (Tough Little Cookie) are here today taking a zero.  I expect we will see a lot more of them on the way to Katahdin.

Flatlander is also here.  We will be hiking with him for at least the next few days.

Seeing Southbounders (SOBOs) on the trail now who started in Maine at the end of May.

Tomorrow we enter the Whites. 

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