
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Saturday, July 3, 2010

03 July - Mt. Moosilauke!

Warm night in the hostel. Hard to sleep with the women snoring. Cool morning, great for hiking. Only in the 50s and maybe 60 when we got out on top. Hot when we came back down, low 80s. Gonna be a hot night in the hostel.

Today was our first full day in the Whites. We started the day with a good breakfast.

Then we began our climb. Mt. Moosilauke! What an introduction to the Whites. It is a 3500 foot vertical climb. It went better than expected. The first part followed a stream and it was a nearly continuous waterfall up the steep part of the climb.

Then for the first time we went above tree line. It was a very clear doy and the view were incredible. We could see Mt. Washington to the northeast, which was intimidating. We could see the mountains in Vermont.

Here we are approaching the summit...

We are hiking with Flatlander (from North Dakota) and will at least for a while through the Whites. It is good to plan things with someone else. More pictures from the summit...

Hiked back down for another night at the Hikers Welcome Hostel. Tomorrow we are trying a big day, 17 miles. But we will be slack packing again so hopefully it will not be too bad.

(Note, the map is up to date but the last location is messed up. I should get one tomorrow morning.)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures. Love the views. Good to hear about all the people that you are meeting. Keep on keepin' on..........
