
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

06 July - Galehead Hut

Cold, wet, windy, hot and dry.  It was probably 90 down below but up here it was cool and foggy.  We crossed Franconia Ridge first. It was incredible but not because of the view.  We were in the fog.  The wind was blowing and the left side of our bodies and packs got wet.  The wind increased to a steady 30-40 mph plus higher gusts.  It got up to 40-50 mph a couple of times.  We were scrambling up/down rocks going across the ridge line.  Very difficult!   We have had our Mt. Washington experience now.

The rest of the trail was very difficult, very steep.  We did 10 miles and that was too much for me.  The Whites are living up to there reputation.  I plan to do fewer miles. 
We are at our first AMC (Appalachian Mountain Club) hut.  We are doing "work for stay".  Paying guests pay $80+ per person per night.  They have been very nice to us.

We are here with Flatlander, POW and TLC.  We are all headed to Katahdin.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! you are doing great!! I am so happy for you. Can't wait to meet you at Katadin. Love ya, Aunt Esther
