
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

05 July - Liberty Springs Campsite

Hot, forecast 90+°. 

Chet's Hostel is nice.  He is an inspiration.  He was in a bad accident with a camp stove.  He was badly burned and  not expected to live but did and is thriving.  He runs the hostel to stay involved with the hiking community.

We were very tired from yesterday so we slept late (7:30) and rode bikes to grocery store.   Did not leave until 11:00 and it was getting hot. 

Only 3.5 miles today.  But it was all uphill and very steep.  Enough after yesterday.  At least we are up at altitude.  Back to 10 +/- miles tomorrow. 

The campsite is crowded and noisy due to 4th of July week.  There is a group of Boy Scouts next to us.  One has just fallen and broken his arm.  They seem to be packing to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Really, really hot here too, its supposed to be around 100 ALL week. Would like to say I feel your pain, but I'm loving my air conditioner right now. By the way, Happy Belated Anniversary!
