
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Friday, July 9, 2010

09 July - Mizpah Spring Hut

Sunny and humid with high in upper eighties.  Cloudy and cooler in afternoon before rain tonight.

We gave in and have made reservations it the AMC huts, at least to get us across Mt. Washington and down to Pinkham Notch.  Too much uncertainty not knowing where you can stay each night and lots of restrictions on where you can't.  We are entering a long section above tree line where we are not allowed to camp. 

We started the climb today that will take us to Mount Washington.  We came up Webester Cliffs Trail 2800 feet to Mount Jackson, then down a little to the hut.  Tomorrow we climb Mt. Clinton and Mt. Franklin to Lake of the Clouds Hut at 5012 feet which is just below Mount Washington at 6288 feet. 

We have cut down our miles and made these reservations because unfortunately, it is supposed rain tonight and thunderstorm tomorrow and continue into Sunday.  This allows extra time to travel slowly across the wet rocks and ensure we have a dry place to sleep.

The second to last picture shows a view today of Mount Washington (the top is lost in the clouds).  The little white dot in the left is the hut we are in tonight and you can see the ridgeline we will follow to get to Mount Washington.

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