
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Saturday, July 10, 2010

10 July - Lake of the Clouds Hut

Woke to rain before dawn.  By the time we left, everything was soaked.  Stayed cool, rainy, and in the clouds all morning.   We got cold the one time we stopped to rest.

Glad we only had 5 miles to get here.   It rained most of the trip - Wendy actually said she smelled like a wet dog.  Fortunately the trail was good, just a climb.  We made good time and got here by noon.

We were still in the clouds through afternoon but we got some openings with views of Mount Washington and the valleys.  By sunset the skies were clearing and the forecast has no more rain. 

Hoping for clear weather when we summit tomorrow.  It should be in the morning early - not long after 9:00.

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