
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Sunday, July 18, 2010

17 July - Gentian Pond Shelter

Hot and humid. Upper 80s for Gorham but cooler up here with occasional breezes. Some brief, light rain this afternoon on the way to the shelter.

We hiked 12 miles today - the first double digit day since we first entered the Whites and crossed Moosilauke. The trail is obviously getting easier because could do 12 miles. It is obviously still difficult because it took us from 7:30 until 6:20 this evening to do it.

We got a farewell look at Mount Washington today. It was haz Mount Washington is the farthest and near the center. Mount Madison is in front and to the right. The other two pictures are taken here at the shelter and pond.

We saw a beaver swimming and slapping its tail telling us to go away. We also picked some Blueberries today. They are just getting ripe and grow wild along the trail.

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