
Aug 17 2010 - End of Part 1

Sunday, July 4, 2010

04 July - Kinsman Notch to Francoia Notch

Supposed to be hot today but only in the 60s to 70 and cloudy  in the mountains.  

Up early for a long, hard hike (see sunrise picture taken on way to breakfast).  Saw a moose on the way to the trail head.  It was a large female with a beautiful, dark brown coat.

Hiked 17 miles and the trail was much steeper and tougher than expected.  Hiked from 7:00am until 9:00pm. 

Although we did not go over tree line, there were beautiful views, waterfalls, and scenery.  A surprise was the two gliders we saw while on Kinsman Mountain. 

We are staying in another trail hostel in Lincoln called One Step AT a Time.  Not sure about tomorrow yet.

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